
Land claims and the Ladies Mile Dump Site

There was a meeting of the Regional Land Claims Commission Meeting at the Civic Centre on 30 May 2009. Present, as observers only, were Anna Engelhardt, Constantia Property Owners Association’s Land Use committee, Anne Cotham of the Constantia Hills POA and Ward Councilor Neil Ross. In attendance were 18 members of the Solomon family. The meeting was chaired by the head of the Regional Land Claims Commission, Mr. M. P. Thembani. He was assisted during question time by Mr. P. Molapo, who represented the City of Cape Town.
At the outset Mr. Thembani reiterated that all 7 claims on Erf 4724 have been found to be legitimate and have been validated. (The un-numbered land portion on the diagram below shown with diamond cross lines represents the original and oldest claim by the Solomon family, which has already been finalized.) He stressed that delays in finalizing these claims were not due to the Land Claims Commission or the City of Cape Town, but were caused by the claimants themselves. To speed up the process, he strongly recommended they form (and register) individual family trusts.
Only once the above had been concluded, due process could follow, i.e. advertising for public participation and comments on the disposal of land; preparation of a land valuation report (at current market prices); presentation to the Housing Portfolio and finally to a full Council for acceptance.

And the Garden Refuse Facility?
When the meeting closed, the claimants remained behind to discuss (in private) the way forward. Anna Engelhardt took this opportunity to ask Mr. Thembani about the positioning of the Garden Refuse Dump Site on the diagram he had provided. He pointed out that the main part of the site is on that portion of the land, which has already been finalized, so it would have to be closed down in the near future. However, he stated that there are several suitable sites in close proximity which are presently being investigated by the City.