Constitution of the Barbarossa Residents’ Group
(as amended on 20th October, 1997)
1. Name:
The name of the group so constituted shall be Barbarossa Residents’ Group.
2. Aims and objectives:
The aims and objectives of the Barbarossa Residents’ Group shall be:
2.1 To preserve the residential environment of the area by opposing the siting of commercial enterprises in the area designated under point 3 below.
2.2 To monitor ‘work from home’ projects.
2.3 To safeguard property values.
2.4 To avoid increased traffic congestion and traffic noise.
2.5 To preserve the safety of the area.
2.6 To liase with the appropriate authorities and interest groups in furtherance of the objectives of the Constitution.
3. Membership and territorial limits
Membership shall be open to those property owners resident in the residential block bounded by Spaanschemat River Road, Doordrift Road, the Simon van der Stel Freeway (M3) and Kendal Road.
Voting rights shall be allocated as one vote per property.
4. Administration and management
The affairs of the Barbarossa Residents’ Group (BRG) shall be conducted by a committee consisting of a maximum of ten eligible members, all of whom shall be elected at an annual general meeting.
The committee shall meet as soon as possible after the AGM to elect committee members to act as Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer of the BRG.
A quorum at committee meetings shall be one half of committee members.
The committee shall have the power to appoint eligible members to fill vacancies which may occur on the committee.
The annual general meeting of members shall be held at a time and place fixed by the committee. This annual general meeting shall be held between 1 September and 31 October of each calendar year.
A quorum at general meetings shall be one quarter of the BRG’s membership in good standing.
If at any general meeting a quorum shall not have been assembled, the meeting shall be adjourned to a date to be fixed by the committee and at least ten days’ notice shall be given of such date. In the event of no quorum being obtained at this subsequent meeting, those members present and entitled to vote shall constitute a quorum for the purposes of such a meeting.
Administration and management of the Group shall include:
4.1 The holding of such meetings as may be deemed necessary to organize activities aimed at furthering the aims and objectives outlined in point 2 above.
4.2 The opening and operation of an account at a bank or similar financial institution.
4.3 The collection and receipt of subscriptions from members to meet the essential running costs of the Barbarossa Residents’ Group in the attainment of its objectives.
4.4 Ensuring the continued membership of the Barbarossa Residents’ Group.
5. Amendment
All amendments, alterations or additions to the constitution shall be in accordance with the philosophy and principles set out in the founder constitution.
Any amendments, alterations or additions to the constitution shall be by formal resolution passed by a two-thirds majority of those present and eligible to vote, at a general meeting of the members of the BRG.
6. Limitation of liability
The Committee is not authorized to incur any liability on behalf of the members of the Barbarossa Residents’ Group.
P. O. Box 702, Constantia 7848.