The CPOA is a party to a servitude agreement in respect of the Constantia Village site, which gives the CPOA the right to limit extensions to the buildings and parking facilities of the centre. The parking proposals may require an amendment of the servitude. The centre management maintains that parking demand at the centre has been exceeding supply for the past five years and traffic delays and excessive traffic circulation being experienced by customers. Research undertaken by Constantia Village shows that, of 55% of customers who disliked something about the centre, 66% dislike the parking and traffic congestion the most.
Consultants to the centre have analysed 6 sites that could be used for the provision of additional parking. Five of these sites, owned by the city, are open parking areas and one involves the construction of a parking garage on the Constantia Village property.
The parking garage proposal has three options of differing sizes and the one recommended has 3 levels and no basement. Of all the sites the recommended parking garage is the option preferred by the Constantia Village management.
A meeting was held on 29 October in the Alphen Centre Hall, to present the plans for the proposed parking garage for Constantia Village shopping centre.
Paid-up members of the CPOA are invited to ballot in favour or against the construction of a parking garage. Two persons will be allowed a vote for household membership and one person for single membership. Please bring identification to vote.
The CPOA office at the Alphen Centre will be the ballot venue and will be open for this purpose on Thursday 6th, Friday 7th and Saturday 8th November 2008 between the hours of 09:00 and 12:00.